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Thu, 24. 10. 2024, 19.00 hrs


Venue: Zlín Congress Centre  |  Organizer: Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.  |  Price: 390,- 330,- 280,-

Ondřej Brousek, spoken word
Leoš Svárovský, conductor
Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra

Antonín Dvořák: My Home. Overture, Op. 62
Otakar Ostrčil: Balada česká. Melodrama to verses by Jan Neruda, Op. 8
Bedřich Smetana: Scherzo from Triumphal Symphony in E Major, Op. 6
Otakar Zich: Romance o Černém jezeře. Melodrama to verses by Jan Neruda, Op. 6
Zdeněk Fibich: A Night at Karlštejn. Overture to the play by Jaroslav Vrchlický, Op. 26
Otakar Jeremiáš: Romance o Karlu IV. Melodrama to verses by Jan Neruda, Op. 13
Antonín Dvořák: Scherzo capriccioso, Op. 66

Our second concert in this series is also a celebration of Czech musical artistry, featuring a selection of works by six Czech composers - Dvořák, Ostrčil, Smetana, Zich, Fibich and Jeremiáš.

The concert presents an intriguing combination of music and the spoken word, with the core programme made up of three short concert melodramas composed by three Otakars to verses by the poet Jan Neruda, born 190 years ago this year. Actor, composer and musician Ondřej Brousek, accompanied by the Zlín Philharmonic Orchestra, performs the Czech Ballad by Otakar Ostrčil written in 1905, the Romance of the Black Lake by Otakar Zich (the composer's only melodramatic work, written in 1907) and Otakar Jeremiáš's Romance of Charles IV written in 1917. These are interspersed with short orchestral intermezzos: the third movement from Bedřich Smetana's Triumphal Symphony - a rare piece in Smetana's entire oeuvre - and the overture to Jaroslav Vrchlický's popular play A Night at Karlštejn by Zdeněk Fibich, set during one night in the famous Central Bohemian castle, to which King Charles IV forbade all women access.

The programme is flanked by two orchestral works by Antonín Dvořák, beginning with 'My Home', the strongly patriotic concert overture, in which Dvořák used the melody of the Czech folk song 'Na tom našem dvoře' and melodic material from 'Kde domov múj?'. It concludes with Dvořák's colourful Scherzo capriccioso, a joyful and high-spirited work that is one of the composer's best appreciated pieces.

Zlín Congress Centre

  • Ulice: nám. T. G. Masaryka 5556
  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika

Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.

  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika